Upvoted: Anybody here ever felt paranoid that the session was boring and a failure, just to have your players telling you it was awesome after? via /r/dndnext

Anybody here ever felt paranoid that the session was boring and a failure, just to have your players telling you it was awesome after?

I mean I don't know if the players are just being polite, I do see them go for a yawn or two and some zone out sometimes, I also see them laugh and have fun at some parts and then get tense at other parts.

Do I cut down the parts where they appear bored? I keep having these dilemmas because I can't just rush them out of a scenario with no sufficient reason without it being rail-roady, not to say the scenes are actually important how do you guys manage these kinds of thoughts. I know my voices aren't Matt Mercer level, and that I sometimes become dry at descriptions. I don't even know if I'm improving.

Any DMs who feel the same?

edit: Is it okay to have semi-boring sessions?

Submitted August 11, 2018 at 08:26AM by the15thwolf
via reddit http://bit.ly/2nwm0Vk