Upvoted: Former Riot Caster Joe Miller Accused of Sexual Misconduct/Harrassment via /r/LivestreamFail

Former Riot Caster Joe Miller Accused of Sexual Misconduct/Harrassment

Original Text: https://twitter.com/aeridel/status/1276047677382410240

Follow-up Tweet: https://twitter.com/aeridel/status/1276359118819741697

Corroborating Tweet From Another Woman: https://twitter.com/itsjustBru/status/1276362217194168321

Ooof, it doesn't look too good as several current Riot employees have come out in support of her and her description of the events that transpired.

Submitted June 25, 2020 at 11:38PM by HugeRection
via reddit https://bit.ly/3g3jUFS