Upvoted: How To Set the Narrative: Breaking News from CNBC to report that Notre Dame is on fire, and that IT’S AN ACCIDENT! Watch the video. The roof hax just started burning. Firemen haven’t even started trying to put it out. But fuck yeah, it’s an accident. Just like Seth Rich murder was a botched robbery. via /r/The_Donald

How To Set the Narrative: Breaking News from CNBC to report that Notre Dame is on fire, and that IT’S AN ACCIDENT! Watch the video. The roof hax just started burning. Firemen haven’t even started trying to put it out. But fuck yeah, it’s an accident. Just like Seth Rich murder was a botched robbery.

Submitted April 15, 2019 at 03:18PM by MAGADAD
via reddit http://bit.ly/2PdSRLN