Upvoted: [Meta] Why was a Tweet from CBS’ OFFICIAL TWITTER removed unilaterally as a “Twitter Nobody”? via /r/KotakuInAction

[Meta] Why was a Tweet from CBS’ OFFICIAL TWITTER removed unilaterally as a “Twitter Nobody”?

Seriously, mods; what the fuck. That account is not a nobody; it has 23,000 followers. The post sat directly at the intersection of what this sub is supposed to be here for people to fucking talk about.

Oh, and 2 minutes before the deletion, you put up a post whining about "IdPol" in the comments of a Tweet advocating for race war. And you got flamed for it, so you just deleted that comment, slapped the "Twitter nobody" comment up, and banned the fucking post. Not even "Rule 3", fucking Twitter Nobody. A rule that is supposed to be used so we don't discuss irrelevant bloggers, not national TV networks advocating racial violence.

Please explain to us how you're any different from the mods of some shithole like politics.

Edit: I've gotten a response from the mods on the original post:

The linked account isn't the official Twitter. Try to keep up.

Yeah, OK; I'm sure that's why you banned it 2 minutes after whining that people were discussing race and other icky topics. We weren't discussing that user; he was only linked because the original video was nuked and he still had it. That's stretching the rules to the point of breaking them.

Edit 2: The idpol comment wasn't deleted, just the whole thread it was in and any way of accessing it.

Submitted April 14, 2019 at 08:12AM by lyra833
via reddit http://bit.ly/2UhcdR1