Upvoted: Might be time to start a new wave of Gamergate. via /r/KotakuInAction

Might be time to start a new wave of Gamergate.

Okay, since all the usual suspects decided to dunk on Cyberpunk in the same time, some have decided there might be something much bigger. For example, this video, where a scheme shows that all our journos can be financially traced back to the Epic Store. While creator does not claim that this is a conspiracy to try and bring down Cyberpunk, the fact that these hit pieces were released quite fast and the fact journos have already been mobilizing against "gamer threat" (gamejournopros), this can be a serious issue to make the fuss about.

Oh, and Anita was trying to get on the going train too.

What do you think?

Submitted June 22, 2019 at 05:38AM by SoftTauch
via reddit http://bit.ly/2ZJ9PWp