Upvoted: [Twitter bullshit] Nick Monroe ‏captures what appears to be the beginning of a SubscribeStar boycott campaign, some ppl & Sleeping Giants contacted via /r/KotakuInAction

[Twitter bullshit] Nick Monroe ‏captures what appears to be the beginning of a SubscribeStar boycott campaign, some ppl & Sleeping Giants contacted


https://archive.fo/VVrd0 14 Dec 2018 13:38:09 UTC

St. Nick Monroe @nickmon1112 13 Dec 2018


I came across some shmuck named Tim Squirrell feeding Will Sommer and Jared Holt information to use in whatever smear campaign they've got cooking up.

Tim has also CCed the Sleeping Giants so they can boycott it.

St. Nick Monroe

WHAT A SURPRISE Becca Lewis from Data & Society shows up with this Tim Squirrell bloke.

On further analysis Timmy shows up in the picture around the launch of Becca's report, Tim is a researcher, likes to go undercover, (likely harder to do now I'm pointing him out to every1.)

St. Nick Monroe

The media is going to go after SubscribeStar.

For the hell of it Im screencapping the Google News page before the smear campaign begins https://archive.fo/VVrd0/8cb77ec961259746f588748cf90cac8acdcdb69f.jpg

just so you can get a sense of how hard the MSM tries to fuck alternative platforms over

St. Nick Monroe

Here we got this Ian Evans fella trying to get the attention of various Sleeping Giants Twitter accounts, giving them the info to launch a boycott attack on SubscribeStar with.

St. Nick Monroe

If you wanna OBLITERATE the whole "Russia Alt-Right" bullcrap they're gonna throw at SubscribeStar?

@RealSexyCyborg has been on the platform since MAY 2018.

I'll repeat that.

They've been on SubscribeStar since WELL BEFORE THE CURRENT SARGON SITUATION. http://archive.is/yG84j

His Twitter Moments thread:

https://archive.fo/Z7QJS https://twitter.com/i/moments/1073538117527834624

The Patreon Exodus

St. Nick Monroe St. Nick Monroe @nickmon1112 · 2 hours ago

How Sargon of Akkad's ban from the site rippled out into the internet thereafter.

Submitted December 14, 2018 at 06:46AM by missbp2189
via reddit http://bit.ly/2rAoILL