Upvoted: [Twitter] IMC – “7 people (none of whom had over 1,000 followers) called Chris Pratt a sexist for having fun with his wife. They had 2 likes between all of them. Why are we letting the loudest, stupidest people with little to no influence define the narrative for the rest of us?” via /r/KotakuInAction

[Twitter] IMC – “7 people (none of whom had over 1,000 followers) called Chris Pratt a sexist for having fun with his wife. They had 2 likes between all of them. Why are we letting the loudest, stupidest people with little to no influence define the narrative for the rest of us?”

Submitted October 23, 2019 at 06:47AM by B-VOLLEYBALL-READY
via reddit http://bit.ly/2qwPzLd