Monthly Archives: November 2018

Upvoted: MSM propaganda: “Woke” son violently attacks his brother over disagreeing with NFL kneeling. Father gets gun to defend the son being violently attacked, only to have furniture thrown at him, causing accidental discharge. Father is arrested and MSM implies he shot him over being against NFL kneeling. via /r/The_Donald

MSM propaganda: “Woke” son violently attacks his brother over disagreeing with NFL kneeling. Father gets gun to defend the son being violently attacked, only to have furniture thrown at him, causing accidental discharge. Father is arrested and MSM implies he shot him over being against NFL kneeling.

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 04:19PM by GadolBoobies
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Upvoted: United Nations psycho goes to Canada to celebrate Moron Trudeau, and attack President Trump. Defund/deport the UN. President of the United Nations General Assembly Maria Fernanda Espinosa seems to say “there is no other way” than the UN way. Talked Global Compact scam stuff too. via /r/The_Donald

United Nations psycho goes to Canada to celebrate Moron Trudeau, and attack President Trump. Defund/deport the UN. President of the United Nations General Assembly Maria Fernanda Espinosa seems to say “there is no other way” than the UN way. Talked Global Compact scam stuff too.

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 04:18PM by Magnokor
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Upvoted: Thank you Mr. President of the Senate Mike Pence! He just broke a tie in the Senate for the 10th time (7th all-time now) to invoke cloture on District Judge nominee Thomas Farr. The left is TRIGGERED by Farr I think on the same level as with the President. via /r/The_Donald

Thank you Mr. President of the Senate Mike Pence! He just broke a tie in the Senate for the 10th time (7th all-time now) to invoke cloture on District Judge nominee Thomas Farr. The left is TRIGGERED by Farr I think on the same level as with the President.

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 12:08PM by fastmandan
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Upvoted: Ted Cruz: “We’ve also seen Twitter recently getting bolder and bolder, blocking Conservatives all together from speaking, and just banning them from the platform because what they were saying was inconsistent with Twitter’s political views.” via /r/The_Donald

Ted Cruz: “We’ve also seen Twitter recently getting bolder and bolder, blocking Conservatives all together from speaking, and just banning them from the platform because what they were saying was inconsistent with Twitter’s political views.”

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 10:26AM by Str8DonLemon
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Upvoted: While the disgusting Fake News is doing everything within their power not to report it that way, at least 3 major players are intimating that the Angry Mueller Gang of Dems is viciously telling witnesses to lie about facts & they will get relief. This is our Joseph McCarthy Era! via /r/The_Donald

While the disgusting Fake News is doing everything within their power not to report it that way, at least 3 major players are intimating that the Angry Mueller Gang of Dems is viciously telling witnesses to lie about facts & they will get relief. This is our Joseph McCarthy Era!

Submitted November 28, 2018 at 06:40AM by Leave_The_Bronx
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