Monthly Archives: March 2019

Upvoted: Joe Biden has touched so many children at swearing-in ceremonies. He always singles out girls from their families, and makes them pose in front of him. He touches their chests and faces, whispers in their ears, and plays with their hair. There are entire compilations of Joe Biden touching children. via /r/The_Donald

Joe Biden has touched so many children at swearing-in ceremonies. He always singles out girls from their families, and makes them pose in front of him. He touches their chests and faces, whispers in their ears, and plays with their hair. There are entire compilations of Joe Biden touching children.

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 12:23PM by oliver_21
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Upvoted: Trump DOJ files suit against Facebook – Seeking damages for any person who was harmed by Facebook’s advertising systems, which until last week allowed employers or landlords to limit their audiences on the basis of race, ethnicity or gender via /r/The_Donald

Trump DOJ files suit against Facebook – Seeking damages for any person who was harmed by Facebook’s advertising systems, which until last week allowed employers or landlords to limit their audiences on the basis of race, ethnicity or gender

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:08AM by deal_with_it_
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