Monthly Archives: March 2019

Upvoted: This whole Jussie Smollett scandal really got me thinking about the state of the democratic party and the corruption at it’s core. I am so tired of democrats putting down black America and using identity politics and victim mentality as a way to push the vile agenda. via /r/The_Donald

This whole Jussie Smollett scandal really got me thinking about the state of the democratic party and the corruption at it’s core. I am so tired of democrats putting down black America and using identity politics and victim mentality as a way to push the vile agenda.

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 10:08AM by dmoney78660
via reddit

Upvoted: Now that the fascists in the EU have successfully banned memes with Article 13, its time to provide our brethren across the pond with compliant memes until they all get a VPN via /r/The_Donald

Now that the fascists in the EU have successfully banned memes with Article 13, its time to provide our brethren across the pond with compliant memes until they all get a VPN

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:35AM by SaginawSausage
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Upvoted: Pennsylvania rep gives prayer thanking God for President Trump and for him standing with Israel, gets called “racist” because muslims were offended (PS islam is not a race) via /r/The_Donald

Pennsylvania rep gives prayer thanking God for President Trump and for him standing with Israel, gets called “racist” because muslims were offended (PS islam is not a race)

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:28AM by south_florida_guy
via reddit

Upvoted: I’d just like to point out that had Jussie Smollet been successful in his fabrication and the prosecutor dropped charges and the judge sealed the case against his “attackers”, Chicago would literally be on fire right now… via /r/The_Donald

I’d just like to point out that had Jussie Smollet been successful in his fabrication and the prosecutor dropped charges and the judge sealed the case against his “attackers”, Chicago would literally be on fire right now…

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:25AM by Prime67
via reddit

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