Monthly Archives: July 2019

Upvoted: You pedes notice that this cuck stopped mentioning “millionaires” in his speeches and tweets??? How convenient!!! Back to your shed, you demented old hypocrite! via /r/The_Donald

You pedes notice that this cuck stopped mentioning “millionaires” in his speeches and tweets??? How convenient!!! Back to your shed, you demented old hypocrite!

Submitted July 30, 2019 at 08:09AM by TrumpIsAHero1
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Upvoted: U.S. Soccer Federation president Carlos Cordeiro hit back hard at the women’s national team over equal pay… SAYS THE WOMEN’S NATIONAL TEAM HAS LOST $27.5 MILLION SINCE 2009 via /r/The_Donald

U.S. Soccer Federation president Carlos Cordeiro hit back hard at the women’s national team over equal pay… SAYS THE WOMEN’S NATIONAL TEAM HAS LOST $27.5 MILLION SINCE 2009

Submitted July 30, 2019 at 08:09AM by Big_Shot_Gangster
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Upvoted: GET WOKE GO BROKE: Gillette parent company Proctor & Gamble writes down value of the razor brand by 8 BILLION dollars. I guess calling your main customers rapist scum wasn’t a great idea after all. via /r/The_Donald

GET WOKE GO BROKE: Gillette parent company Proctor & Gamble writes down value of the razor brand by 8 BILLION dollars. I guess calling your main customers rapist scum wasn’t a great idea after all.

Submitted July 30, 2019 at 07:57AM by AccipiterQ
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Upvoted: Milano says she’s feeling “hopeless” because the GOP isn’t “standing up to the tyranny”. She seems to think that “standing up to tyranny” means “embracing leftist policies”. How did Hollywood become such a goofy place? via /r/The_Donald

Milano says she’s feeling “hopeless” because the GOP isn’t “standing up to the tyranny”. She seems to think that “standing up to tyranny” means “embracing leftist policies”. How did Hollywood become such a goofy place?

Submitted July 30, 2019 at 07:57AM by JCD_007
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