Monthly Archives: October 2019

Upvoted: Will justice ever prevail and the bad actors in the coup to overthrow an innocent president and the he largest hoax and spying operation in world history? No. Here’s why… via /r/The_Donald

Will justice ever prevail and the bad actors in the coup to overthrow an innocent president and the he largest hoax and spying operation in world history? No. Here’s why…

The MSM has blasted propaganda for years to sway public opinion away from the facts. Gaslighting on steroids. The MSM is the propaganda arm of the DNC.

Corrupt politicians echo MSM talking points to add credibility via their elected office.

If a jury is 50/50 conservative/liberal, you can almost guarantee that the liberals won’t weight the facts and you will get an empathetic OJ Simpson type situation.

We will see empaneled grand jurys and indictments, but no convictions.

Our country has entered a dark time where the uni-party is against the outsider who has exposed the corruption of our republic. The ineptitude has gone on for decades if not a hundred or more years. One man, Donald Trump, President for even two terms cannot undo this amount of corruption. It will take 50 years of MAGA to drain the swamp and truly make our republic the mirror of our founding fathers generation. God help us all. God bless our President and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 01:23PM by magapotus
via reddit

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