Upvoted: CP2077 may prove once again it’s impossible to please crybullies via /r/KotakuInAction

CP2077 may prove once again it’s impossible to please crybullies

The demo is now out that shows what the press has been available to view (matches most descriptions) in which a strong female lead kicks ass, takes names, bangs one night stand dudes who leave her apartment getting mission support from a presumably brilliant hacker who happens to be a black woman with your Hispanic sidekick and nary a middle aged, grizzled white dude in sight.

They all saw this. How did they respond?

"So how genderfluid can I be? Is there a gender slider? Do people respect my pronouns?"

Slippery slope indeed.

Submitted August 27, 2018 at 02:16PM by kriegson
via reddit http://bit.ly/2oghomN