Upvoted: Former WWE Superstar, and Kratos motion-capture actor, Shad Gaspard, has passed away. via /r/KotakuInAction

Former WWE Superstar, and Kratos motion-capture actor, Shad Gaspard, has passed away.

I know there are a lot of God of War fans in this subreddit, so I thought I pass on the news.

Shad Gaspard was swimming with his son before they were taken away by a rip-tide, and Shad insisted that lifeguards left him and they save his son first. He was missing for a couple of days before being discovered.

He was the motion control actor for Kratos for the gameplay elements in God of War 2018, he was 39 years old.

Submitted May 20, 2020 at 09:40AM by OpiesMammogramResult
via reddit https://bit.ly/3cOvaoc