Upvoted: I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but some of you DMs out there need to just stand your damn ground. via /r/DMAcademy

I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but some of you DMs out there need to just stand your damn ground.

I've been browsing this sub for a bit and so often I'm seeing people post about stuff that shouldn't even be an issue. Stuff like, 'This player is upset cuz I won't let them rape someone' or 'that player is mad at me cuz they can't do X which is completely against the setting we're playing in'.

If it was just venting, I'd get it. It's like DM 'war stories', but some of you are having a crisis needing reassurance that you didn't do anything wrong.

End of the day, YOU are the DM providing entertainment for others who have decided to play in your game. You don't need to be a control freak or try to assert dominance or be a petty 'god' to the players, but you also can't let anyone walk all over you or any other player. Just respectfully confront anything that doesn't work for you, your game, your fellow players.

I'm only saying this because it pains me to see some of you, who take the time to prep games for people, put in the effort it takes to try and make sure everyone has a great time, seem to allow yourselves to get into some rough situations often needlessly.

Please don't let others bully you. Remember that it's your game, and you're in charge.

Submitted October 13, 2019 at 05:36PM by GeneralReposti_Bot
via reddit http://bit.ly/2nMWMWG