Upvoted: None of the actions and operations of Globalist Deep State would be possible in allied nations if the USA did not defend them. Those nations spend billions on Globalist initiatives but fall short on NATO obligations. If you end NATO, you force these nations to take their own defense seriously. via /r/The_Donald
None of the actions and operations of Globalist Deep State would be possible in allied nations if the USA did not defend them. Those nations spend billions on Globalist initiatives but fall short on NATO obligations. If you end NATO, you force these nations to take their own defense seriously.
And for that reason I think NATO should end.
To much Globalism being conducted under the safety umbrella of the young men (in particular) in uniform along with the American taxpayer. A taxpayer who cannot even get the same medical care that citizens of other nations get, whom live under the defense umbrella the US Taxpayer provides! Its obscene.
Take away all protection allied Globalist nations have from the US Military. Use the money to solve the health care crisis. That would deal a tremendous blow to Global Deep State operations and help ordinary Americans. Globalists would be left scrambling if they knew America would not defend them against hostile nations. This fear would be healthy and aid in the destruction of Globalism. This is a good thing, even if there are a few wars.
Why protect so called allies that do not share your values or whom have even participated in trying to undermine America directly or indirectly while reaping the benefits of its protections? Do you have any idea how much the average Canadian and European loathe and disrespect the USA?
And for perspective here, I am a Jew from Canada who happens to love the USA and Donald Trump and whom believes that Americanism is the only thing preserving Freedom on this planet.
I may not have the high honor of being an American but would very much like to be as I stand with the JUDEO-CHRISTIAN HERITAGE that is the foundation of Western Society, and I see that its clearly under attack from every direction. Especially from Secular peoples who succumb to the false promises of Socialism.
Submitted December 01, 2019 at 07:47AM by NobodyWentToJail
via reddit http://bit.ly/35XtWDv