Upvoted: Read up, pedes. This NDAA (military) bill is far more important than the circus in DC (unless Durham makes major announcements by the end of the year). 99% of what the POTUS wants is in this bill (SPACE FORCE/THE WALL!!!) while everything the House Dems passed earlier this year has been wiped clean. via /r/The_Donald

Read up, pedes. This NDAA (military) bill is far more important than the circus in DC (unless Durham makes major announcements by the end of the year). 99% of what the POTUS wants is in this bill (SPACE FORCE/THE WALL!!!) while everything the House Dems passed earlier this year has been wiped clean.

Submitted December 10, 2019 at 05:44AM by fastmandan
via reddit http://bit.ly/2LGBcfk