Upvoted: **THROWBACK THURSDAY** July 13, 2014 – Washington ComPost “Obama should fire John Brennan” – Sen. Diane Feinstein called Brennan’s actions illegal for violating the Constitution’s separation of powers and accessing Senate Intelligence Committee staff PCs. Today she now defends Brennan due to her TDS via /r/The_Donald

**THROWBACK THURSDAY** July 13, 2014 – Washington ComPost “Obama should fire John Brennan” – Sen. Diane Feinstein called Brennan’s actions illegal for violating the Constitution’s separation of powers and accessing Senate Intelligence Committee staff PCs. Today she now defends Brennan due to her TDS

Submitted August 16, 2018 at 09:59AM by DrWeeGee
via reddit http://bit.ly/2vSjbTg