Upvoted: [Twitter] David Jaffe: “I must continually state that Kratos was NEVER a misogynist in GOD OF WAR 1. Like AT ALL. And it pisses me off ‘journalists’ continue to retcon that game in order to justify the thesis of their GOD OF WAR 2018 stories.” via /r/KotakuInAction

[Twitter] David Jaffe: “I must continually state that Kratos was NEVER a misogynist in GOD OF WAR 1. Like AT ALL. And it pisses me off ‘journalists’ continue to retcon that game in order to justify the thesis of their GOD OF WAR 2018 stories.”

Submitted March 27, 2020 at 03:08AM by md1957
via reddit https://bit.ly/3dzmPFE